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Code to get Sales order Total Value in Axapta | calculate total for sales order

This is sample Code to get Sales order Total Value in Axapta. You can try this job in Your Ax environment to check all vales . It will work well with open and Invoiced status sales order I hope it will help you and save your lot of time.

 static void SalesTotalAmountJOb(Args _args)  
     SalesTotals salesTotals;  
     SalesTable salesOrderTable;  
     SalesLine salesLine;  
     TaxAmountCur salesAmt,taxAmount,amt1,discountAmt,totcharges,totOfOrder,contributionRatio;  
     Tax tax;  
     salesOrderTable = SalesTable::find("TD_SO_00069218");  
     salesLine = SalesLine::find(salesOrderTable.SalesId);  
     salesTotals = SalesTotals::construct(salesOrderTable);  
     tax = Tax::construct(NoYes::No);  
     salesAmt  = salesTotals.totalBalance();  
     taxAmount  = salesTotals.totalTaxAmount();  
     discountAmt = salesTotals.totalEndDisc();  
     totcharges = salesTotals.totalMarkup();  
     totOfOrder = salesTotals.totalAmount();  
     contributionRatio  = salesTotals.totalContributionRatio();  
     info(Strfmt("Sales Lines Amount %1",salesAmt ));  
     info(Strfmt("The VAT\tax amount is %1",taxAmount ));  
     info(Strfmt("The Discount Value is %1",discountAmt ));  
     info(Strfmt("Misc Markup %1",totcharges ));  
     info(Strfmt("Total Invoice Amount %1",totOfOrder ));  
     info(Strfmt("Total Contribution ratio %1",contributionRatio ));  

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