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Showing posts with the label Batch job History Log Cleanup code in Axapta

Batch job History Log Cleanup code in Axapta till specified date

You can clear log for batch job history in Ax by following code. This code can work in most of ax version . If you want to clear  log till some date that you can also specify in query . You can just copy and paste below code run or execute. BatchJobHistory BatchJobHistory; date startDate; TimeOfDay startTime; utcDateTime rangeStart; startDate=mkDate(21,12,2014); startTime = str2time("6:00:00 am"); rangeStart = DateTimeUtil::newDateTime(startDate,startTime); delete_from BatchJobHistory where BatchJobHistory.createdDateTime<rangeStart; //select count(RecId) from BatchJobHistory where BatchJobHistory.createdDateTime<rangeStart ; // info(strFmt("%1 till cleanup done ",BatchJobHistory.RecId)); info(strFmt("%1 till cleanup done ",rangeStart));