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Showing posts with the label Microsoft Dynamics AX

Error on Purchase order posting in Ax 2012

 If You are getting following error on  Purchase order posting in Ax 2012 Error Description Cannot execute a data definition language command on accounting distribution (AccountingDistributionTmpJournalize). Amount in transaction currency: 0,00. The SQL database has issued an error.  Object Server 01:   [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]Invalid object name  'tempdb.DBO.t100007_093C403F6242343F93ED4D1F8739A'. Error Message  INSERT INTO tempdb."DBO".t100007_093323236220423232323 (TRANSACTIONCURRENCYAMOUNT,ACCOUNTINGDISTRIBUTION,RECVERSION,PARTITION) SELECT T1.TRANSACTIONCURRENCYAMOUNT,T1.RECID,1,5637144576 FROM ACCOUNTINGDISTRIBUTION T1 WHERE ((T1.PARTITION=5637144576) AND ((T1.REFERENCEROLE=3) AND (T1.SOURCEDOCUMENTLINE<>563343466))) AND EXISTS (SELECT 'x' FROM ACCOUNTINGDISTRIBUTION T2 WHERE ((T2.PARTITION=5637144576) AND (((T2.SOURCEDOCUMENTLINE=5637251266) AND (T2.MONETARYAMOUNT=1)) AND (T2.RECID=T1.REFERENCEDISTRIB...