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Showing posts with the label dynamics 365 project invoicing

Microsoft Dynamics Axapta - Code to create Project Invoice proposal in AX 2012

If you are looking to create project proposal in ax 2012 by code then you need to insert record in projProposalJour table you can get table columns as below. BOLCarrierName CanceledBy CashDisc CashDiscCode CashDiscDate CostValue CurrencyId CustBankAccountId DefaultDimension DeliveryName DeliveryPostalAddress Description DiscPercent DlvMode DlvTerm DlvTransportBrand_BR DueDate EInvoiceAccountCode EInvoiceLineSpecific EndDisc exchRate ExchrateSecondary FiscalDocumentType_BR FiscalEstablishment_BR FundingSource GiroType InterCompanyPosted IntrastatAddValue_LV IntrastatDispatchId InvoiceAccount InvoiceAmount InvoiceAutoNumbering_LT InvoiceDate InvoiceRoundOff InvoiceType InvoiceType_MY LanguageId LedgerVoucher LineProperty ListCodeId NumberSequenceGroupId OnAccountAmount OrderAccount PaymDayId Payment PaymentSched Port PostingProfile ProjGroupId ProjInvoiceId ProjInvoiceProjId ProposalId PSAEndDate PSAInvoiceFormats PSAInvoiceMet...