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Showing posts with the label write

Code to approve bom for product in Ax 2012.

Code to approve bom for product in Ax 2012.If you are creating or uploading bom list by code then auto approval may required,below code will help to approve bom item automatically. void God_setBOMActive(BOMId bomid,str 20 approver1) { BOMVersion BOMVersion1; BOMApprove bomApprove = new BOMApprove(); RecId approver = HcmWorker::findByPersonnelNumber(approver1).RecId; boolean ret=true; try { select forUpdate BOMVersion1 where BOMVersion1.BOMId==bomid; BOMVersion1.selectForUpdate(); BOMVersion1.Approved = true; BOMVersion1.Active = true; BOMVersion1.Approver = approver; ttsBegin; BOMVersion1.write(); ttsCommit; bomApprove.init(); bomApprove.parmApprover(approver); bomApprove.parmBOMId(bomid);; } catch { info(strFmt("(%1) approval failed.", bomid)); } }

Set Folder,File read,write Permission from AX

To Set Folder,File read,write Permission from AX you can try below code . Just you need to pass Domain,Folder  parameter in function as root and stFolder as mention in function below. void setAccess(str root, str stFolder) { System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity DirectorySec; System.IO.DirectoryInfo dirInformaiton; System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule FilesysaccessRule; System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights fileSysRights; System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType accessControlType; UserInfo UserInfo; SHRDocuFolder LtabSHRDocuFolder; System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags inheritFlags; System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags propFlags; ; dirInformaiton = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(_root); DirectorySec = dirInformaiton.GetAccessControl(); fileSysRights = System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights::Write; inheritFlags = System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags::ObjectIn...