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Showing posts with the label custTable

Tips to Create Customer Address view in Axapta 2012

You can refer relation between table in below image which can help you to create view for Customer address master. Getting customer address is difficult due to multiple table involvement for tables. I hope this image will help you to create customer Address view. Thanks in advance.

How to get Customer,Vendor VAT Registration Number by code in Axapta

To get Customer,Vendor VAT Registration Number by code in Axapta in 2012 version you can try below code in data method on table label then you can use the method in string control on form . This code will work perfectly . display name Get_TaxRegistration() { TransDate _transDate = systemDateGet(); DirPartyLocation dirPartyLocation; TaxRegistration taxRegistration; TaxRegistrationTypeApplicabilityRule taxRegistrationTypeApplicabilityRule; if (_transDate) { dirPartyLocation = DirPartyLocation::findByPartyLocation( this.Party, this.invoiceAddress().Location); if (dirPartyLocation) { select firstonly validTimeState(_transDate) taxRegistration where taxRegistration.DirPartyLocation == dirPartyLocation.RecId join RecId from taxRegistrationTypeApplicabilityRule order by taxRegistrationTypeApplicabilityRule.IsPrimaryAddressRestricted desc ...