To create a new number sequence: exclusively in 2012 1. On the Number sequences list page, in the New group, click Number sequence. The details page opens. 2. Enter a new code and name for the new number sequence on the Identification FastTab. 3. Select a scope on the Scope parameters FastTab. Depending on the scope selected, enter the appropriate segment values. For example, if the scope is Company, select the company for which this number sequence is being defined. Note Although the Legal entity and Company scopes are technically equivalent, for ease of use, we have decided to keep them as separate scopes. The Company scope is used for all references for which the underlying table is a “per company” table that uses the DataAreaId field and whose SaveDataPerCompany property is set to “Yes”. For example, this scope is used for the number sequence for the customer account number in the Customer table (CustTable). The Legal entity scope should be used for referen...
Technical Tutorials x++,tips on issues or troubleshooting On Ax ERP ,Microsoft Dynamics 365,Ax 2012,Microsoft , U.S.,Business Software solution.