If you want to show display method of table in workflow designer then you need to write method on table and class . For example table method to get customer credit limit value. display AmountMST Cust_CreditLimit() { ; return CustTable::find(this.CustAccount).CreditMax; } Then go to document class for e.j. \Classes\PurchTableDocument and create new method like this. public AmountMSTParmCreditLimit(CompanyId _companyId, TableId _tableId, RecId _recId) { CustTable CustTable; select CustTable where CustTable.recid==_recId; return CustTable.Cust_CreditLimit(); }
Technical Tutorials x++,tips on issues or troubleshooting On Ax ERP ,Microsoft Dynamics 365,Ax 2012,Microsoft , U.S.,Business Software solution.