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Showing posts with the label find

How to get Country Name by Country code for Sales order in Ax 2012

To  get Country Name by Country code for Sales order in Ax 2012 you can try below code. LogisticsAddressCountryRegionTranslation::find (LogisticsPostalAddress::findRecId (salesTable.DeliveryPostalAddress).CountryRegionId,'EN-US').ShortName Like code is SAU then if you want to display name of SAU as Saudi Arabia then you need to find it from LogisticsAddressCountryRegionTranslation table .

Find Ledger Account Id by Ledger dimension in Ax 2012

To Find Ledger Account Id by Ledger dimension in Ax 2012 you can get hint from below code. findByLedgerDimension is a method defined in Mainaccount table where you can pass ledgerdimension value . MainAccountId is field name which is created in MainAccount Table. MainAccount Table is main master table for Ledgers. info(strFmt("%1",MainAccount::findByLedgerDimension(3427167077).MainAccountId));