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Showing posts with the label tables

How Ax code is working

There are lot of Technical who write code in Axapta but they did not understand meaning of all lines of code only know output of code. My tips if you relate axapta code with c++ then you can understand it easily. If you understand concept of class and its object means oops concept then you can learn Ax faster. In Ax code is depends upon object. We can create object for Tables,class,View,Forms,Macros,maps etc. and each object execute on its own value. If you have very good in pointer concept ,object concept then you can under axapta very easy. Second thing you should know basic tables in Standard axapta like ledgertable, ledgerTrans, VendTable, vendtrans etc.  Without knowing functionality of process you can not do anything with code. So I hope above tips can help you to start leaning of Axapta. So good luck.

Some important interview question and answers on queries in axapta technical

Q) why do we use queries? Ans:queries are user interactive, faster, compiles, reusable components query, queryrun,querybuilddatasource,querybuildrange if(qr.prompt()) Q) what is difference between temporary table and container??? Ans:when there  are more than 50 columns then  we go for  temp tables and also there are some advantages using temp tables - we can create index, methods , fieldgroups Q) How  do u share tables across the companies???? Ans: Tablecollections and virtual companies Q) when is configuration key used?? Ans:To  enable  and disable the features for all  users [tables, fields, indexes, form controls, edt.enum...etc] Security  key   for   set  of  users  or  usergroups - tables, forms, report, menuitems etc RLS [Record level security] Q) What are display methods? Ans:Display  methods  will help you to show the data from some other t...

Type hierarchy browser in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

There is a new tool called the Type hierarchy browser, to understand how the new data structures live within Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. You can get to this tool, from any object within AX actually. Classes, tables, etc Lets pick a new structure in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, EcoResProduct. This is part of the new Master Data Management (MDM) / Product Data Management (PDM), that will exists out of the box for this release of AX. Once we have selected the EcoResProduct table, within the AOT, simply right click, add-ins, and then click on the 'Type hierarchy browser' menu item. Once we do this, we then see the hierarchy that exists for the EcoResProduct table, which extends from the Common table object. You will notice, that both Common and the EcoResProduct tables have RecId, revVersions & relationType. In here we can see as well that the EcoResProduct table inherits methods, from the Common table object. Fields that exists at the EcoResProduct table, are marked with blu...

AOT Access level in ax 2012