Workflow infrastructure configuration wizard. 1. Click Area Page node: System administration -> Setup -> Workflow -> Workflow infrastructure configuration. 2. Click the Next > button. 3. Switch to the Configure the workflow message processing batch job tab on the Workflow infrastructure configuration wizard form. 4. Click the Next > button. 5. Switch to the Configure the workflow due date processing batch job tab on the Workflow infrastructure configuration wizard form. 6. Click the Next > button. 7. Switch to the Configure the line-item workflow notifications batch job tab on the Workflow infrastructure configuration wizard form. 8. Change Repeat job after the specified number of minutes from '30' to '1'. 9. Click the Next > button. 10. Switch to the Completing the workflow infrastructure configuration wizard tab on the Workflow infrastructure configuration wizard form. 11. Click the Finish button. 12. Close the Wo...
Technical Tutorials x++,tips on issues or troubleshooting On Ax ERP ,Microsoft Dynamics 365,Ax 2012,Microsoft , U.S.,Business Software solution.