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Code to get average cost price Item wise without dimension or blank dimension in Axapta

Below is the Code to get average cost price Item wise without dimension or blank dimension in Axapta. Mostly we not able to get cost price item wise because in on hand form its available inventory dimension wise so below code will help you to get cost price item wise.

Try this code and enjoy daxing...

 display CostPriceAverage averageCostPriceUnit_New()  
   CostPriceAverage costprice;  
   InventDim      inventDimCriteria;  
   ItemId         itemId;  
   InventDimParm inventDimParm;  
   date          perDate =systemDateGet();  
   InventOnHand  inventOnHand;  
   itemId         = this.ItemId;  
   inventDimCriteria.inventBatchId = '';  
   inventOnHand  = InventOnhand::newParameters(itemId, inventDimCriteria, inventDimParm);  
   costprice= inventOnHand.costPricePcs(false, perDate);  
   return costprice;  

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