I Want to share information from one video which I have created recently. URL is as below.
By viewing This video you will able to know Introduction of Microsoft Dynamics Ax and build version in the Hindi language.
Following topics included in this clip.
1.Axapta is born
2.Build versions of MS Axapta
3.Purpose of different versions of Axapta.
4.Journey of ax 2012
5.CU and RU Updates
6.Roadmap survey
7.Axapta service packs
8. Purpose of ERP
9. Year of versions
10.Working knowledge of Axapta
If you like this clip then you can go for subscription to know latest updates on ax in future.
By viewing This video you will able to know Introduction of Microsoft Dynamics Ax and build version in the Hindi language.
Following topics included in this clip.
1.Axapta is born
2.Build versions of MS Axapta
3.Purpose of different versions of Axapta.
4.Journey of ax 2012
5.CU and RU Updates
6.Roadmap survey
7.Axapta service packs
8. Purpose of ERP
9. Year of versions
10.Working knowledge of Axapta
If you like this clip then you can go for subscription to know latest updates on ax in future.