If you are facing error on configuring workflow 2012 from administration--> setup --> workflow infrastructure configurations wizard
you are getting the error "The user account entered for the workflow system account is not valid. Confirm that the account exists and is enabled." And "The wizard cannot be started'
Make sure that you put the business connector proxy user in the system service accounts, from System administration --> Setup --> System --> System service accounts.
If there is not business proxy accounts then create a business proxy account and then add it to business connector, use this account to validate the workflow , use wfe for workflow execution.
you are getting the error "The user account entered for the workflow system account is not valid. Confirm that the account exists and is enabled." And "The wizard cannot be started'
Make sure that you put the business connector proxy user in the system service accounts, from System administration --> Setup --> System --> System service accounts.
If there is not business proxy accounts then create a business proxy account and then add it to business connector, use this account to validate the workflow , use wfe for workflow execution.