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Application Object Tree elements for Enterprise Portal applications in ax 2012

Application Object Tree elements for Enter-prise Portal applications in ax 2012

The AOT contains several elements, such as forms, classes, and tables. Each type of element represents an object that serves a certain purpose in developing an application. This section describes the elements used for Enter-prise Portal applications.

Tables (Data Dictionary\Tables) Represent table objects that contain the data for the system.

Classes Represent class objects that contain business logic. The interaction classes used for model-driven list pages are defined here. (See the “Model-driven list pages” section for details.)

Forms These are the main objects that represent windows and dialog boxes for the Microsoft Dynamics AX client. They serve as overall containers for the other user interface elements. Model-driven list pages in Enterprise Portal are also defined by using form objects. (See the “Model-driven list pages” section for details.)

Info Parts (Parts\Info Parts) A part is a control used to show a group of fields. Info parts are modeled parts that use metadata to define the fields and layout. This generic definition enables them to be rendered on both the Microsoft Dynamics AX client and in Enterprise Portal. Model-driven list pages can reference info parts and dis-play them in the Preview Pane or the FactBox area. To display info parts in web user controls, you can use the AxInfoPart and AxPartContentArea framework controls.

Form Parts (Parts\Form Parts) Used when you need more flexibility to display the data than an info part pro-vides. A form part simply links to a form and a managed content item. The linked form determines how the form part is rendered on the Microsoft Dynamics AX client, and the managed content item (web user control) deter-mines how it is rendered in Enterprise Portal. Model-driven list
pages can reference form parts and display them in the Preview pane or the FactBox area. To display form parts in web user controls, use the AxFormPart and Ax-PartContentArea framework controls.

Data Sets Used to provide access to Microsoft Dynamics AX tables and define data access logic. Data sets rep-resent a collection of data that is usually presented in tabular form. Enterprise Portal uses the AxDataSource framework control to access data. The AxDataSource control connects to a
data set and uses it to interact with data.

Queries Represent modeled query objects that are used to retrieve data for forms and info parts.
Display Menu Items (Menu Items\Display) Forms that define model-driven list pages are linked to the corre-sponding page definitions used in Enterprise Portal through display menu Items. Model-driven list pages also use display menu Items to reference info parts, form parts, and details pages. (See the “Model-driven list pages” and “Details pages” sections for details.)

URL Web Menu Items (Web\Web Menu Items\URLs) Represent menu item objects that contain links to the Web Part pages in Enterprise Portal. For example, a URL web menu item button can open a page so that you can add or edit a record. The URL web menu item objects have metadata settings that specify whether the linked page opens in a modal window. The configuration keys can also be applied to these.

Action Web Menu Items (Web\Web Menu Items\Actions) Represent menu item objects that cause an action. For example, an action web menu item button can delete the records that are selected in the grid. Typically, these are linked to class objects that are run when these menu items are invoked.

Managed Web Content (Web\Web Content\Managed) Represent the managed content items corresponding to the web user controls. The configuration keys can be applied to these. You can also use these to pass param-eters to the page that contains the web user control.

Web Menus (Web\Web Menus) Represent a set of URL or action web menu items. These are used to define the Quick Launch hierarchy (navigation) for a web module. They are also used to define the contents (tabs, but-ton groups, and buttons) of Action Panes and toolbars.

Page Definitions (Web\Web Files\Page Definitions) Contain the XML definitions of the SharePoint Web Part pages. These also contain properties that indicate the web module that the page belongs to, as well the page ti-tle.

Static Files (Web\Web Files\Static Files) These are static files objects, such as SharePoint Web Part page tem-plates, SharePoint master pages, script files, and cascading style sheets.

Web Controls (Web\Web Files\Web Controls) These are the web user controls that can be deployed to Enter-prise Portal.

Web Modules (Web\Web Modules) Define the SharePoint sites and subsites in Enterprise Portal (for example, Sales, Financial, or Employee Services). These also provide properties to define Quick Launch and other aspects of each web module.

Resources These are resource objects, such as images.

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