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Showing posts from July, 2012

The DefaultValue expression for the report parameter AX_CompanyName contains an error Dynamics Adapter LogonAs failed

On the SSRS server machine where you have .NET BC installed, check the following:  Check Microsoft.Dynamics.BusinessConnectorNet file version in :\windows\assembly folder (GAC). To do this, right-click on the file, select Properties then select the Version tab. Make sure it's the same version as your AOS version (ax32serv.exe) Make sure that the SSRS service account is the same as your Business Connector Proxy account in Dynamics AX. Check the Dynamics AX client configuration for the Business Connector (non-interactive use only) configuration and make sure it points to an active AOS in the Connection tab. (Administrative Tools> Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Configuration) Copy the Business Connector configuration to the desktop and double click on it to launch Dynamics AX. This will validate that the configuration is good Check the Application event log on the SSRS server to make sure you do not see other errors as to why Business Connector is not able to c...

How to extract all the AOT modifiaction in axapta

How to extract all the AOT modifiaction in axapta Create a new project, then click (CTRL+F3 or Advanced Filter/ sort) >> then Grouping(AOT) > then SELECT >> in the LAYER field put >>usr>> in the criteria filed >> then OK Also there is an additional way  to do it easily.  going to the AOT > right click --> Export(Tick) -> Aplication Object layer Choose -> USR layer->OK  

Generate Ax lookup in enterprise portal axapta

AxLookup is used in data entry pages to help the user select a valid value for a field that references keys from other tables. In Enterprise Portal, lookups are metadata-driven by default, and they are automatically enabled for fields, based on the relationship that is defined in metadata in the AOT. An example is the customer group lookup on the customer creation page. The extended data type (EDT) and table relationship metadata in the AOT define a relationship between the customer table and the customer group table; therefore, a lookup is rendered so that the user can select a customer group in the customer group field when creating a customer record. You don’t need to write any code to enable this behavior—it happens automatically. void dataSetLookup(SysDataSetLookup sysDataSetLookup) { if (custTable.CountryRegionId) { sysDataSetLookup.parmQuery().dataSourceNo(1).addRange( fieldnum(AddressZipCode,CountryRegionId)).value(queryValue(custTable.CountryRegionId)); } ...

Example of Getting the bound field value in Enterprise portal axapta

Example of Getting the bound field value in Enterprise portal static AxBoundField GetField(DataControlFieldCollection fields, string name) { foreach (DataControlField field in fields) { AxBoundField boundField = field as AxBoundField; if (boundField != null && String.Compare(boundField.DataField, name, true) == 0) return boundField; } return null; } AxBoundField parentCaseId = (AxBoundField)GetField(this.GeneralRight.Fields, "editParentCaseId**");

dataSet Lookup code for enterprise portal ax 2012

List list; Query query; args = new Args(); list = new List(Types::String); list.addEnd(fieldstr(ProjTable, ProjId)); list.addEnd(fieldstr(ProjTable, Name)); list.addEnd(fieldstr(ProjTable, Status)); sysDataSetLookup.parmLookupFields(list); sysDataSetLookup.parmSelectField('ProjId'); // Call query query = projTimeSheet_ds.getProjectIDQuery(); // Pass the query to SysDataSetLookup so it result is rendered in the lookup page. sysDataSetLookup.parmQuery(query);

How to add multiple range for table in axapta

On init method you can use code to add range following way. void init() { super(); qbrName = this.query().dataSourceTable(tablenum(InventDimCombination)).addRange( fieldnum(InventDimCombination,Name)); qbrName.status(RangeStatus::Hidden); qbrItem = this.query().dataSourceTable(tablenum(InventDimCombination)).addRange( fieldnum(InventDimCombination,ItemId)); qbrItem.status(RangeStatus::Hidden); }

Application Object Tree elements for Enterprise Portal applications in ax 2012

Application Object Tree elements for Enter-prise Portal applications in ax 2012 The AOT contains several elements, such as forms, classes, and tables. Each type of element represents an object that serves a certain purpose in developing an application. This section describes the elements used for Enter-prise Portal applications. Tables (Data Dictionary\Tables) Represent table objects that contain the data for the system. Classes Represent class objects that contain business logic. The interaction classes used for model-driven list pages are defined here. (See the “Model-driven list pages” section for details.) Forms These are the main objects that represent windows and dialog boxes for the Microsoft Dynamics AX client. They serve as overall containers for the other user interface elements. Model-driven list pages in Enterprise Portal are also defined by using form objects. (See the “Model-driven list pages” section for details.) Info Parts (Parts\Info Parts) A part is a cont...