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Add Financial dimension Lookup at Enterprise portal in Axapta

To Add Financial dimension Lookup at Enterprise portal in Axapta you can to help with below code. protected void BusinessSector_LookUp(object sender, AxLookupEventArgs e) { //Getcurrent user to filter record based on current user String usr = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name; int pos = usr.IndexOf('\\'); usr = pos != -1 ? usr.Substring(pos + 1) : usr; AxLookup lookup = (AxLookup)sender; // Create the lookup data set. The respective table will be used. Proxy.SysDataSetBuilder sysDataSetBuilder; sysDataSetBuilder = Proxy.SysDataSetBuilder.constructLookupDataSet(AxSession.AxaptaAdapter, TableMetadata.TableNum(AxSession, "DimensionFinancialTag")); // Set the generated data set as the lookup data set. lookup.LookupDataSet = new DataSet(AxSession, sysDataSetBuilder.toDataSet()); using (Proxy.Query query = lookup.LookupDataSet.DataSetViews[0].MasterDataSource.query

X++ code to print sales invoice on printer directly

Below is the X++ code to print sales invoice on printer directly. Args salesArgs = new Args(); SalesInvoiceContract salesInvoiceContract; SalesInvoiceController controller; SrsReportRunImpl srsReportRunImpl; str fileName; CustInvoiceJour custInvoiceJour;// = _args.record(); select custInvoiceJour where custInvoiceJour.InvoiceId=="INV_00000009"; salesArgs.record(custInvoiceJour); controller = new SrsReportRunController(); salesInvoiceContract = new SalesInvoiceContract(); controller.parmReportName(ssrsReportStr(SalesInvoice,Report)); controller.parmShowDialog(false); controller.parmReportContract().parmPrintSettings().printMediumType(SRSPrintMediumType::Printer); // controller.parmReportContract().parmPrintSettings().printerName(@"\\espprn03\Follow Me - MFP"); salesInvoiceContract.parmRecordId(custInvoiceJour.RecId); // Record id must be passed otherwise the report wi

Ax 2012 Form Development,User control,Role centers,Citrix lookup issues

Simple form development using multiple tables How to create role center in Ax 2012 Custom lookup issue On citrix client How to create User control on EP website

Enable disable sales Invoice,Confirmation,packing slip and Picking list button in Ax 2012

Sometimes we need to enable disable button in Sales order form then you can apply your code in below method in SalesTableType class \Classes\SalesTableType\canConfirmationBeUpdated \Classes\SalesTableType\canInvoiceBeUpdated \Classes\SalesTableType\canPackingslipBeUpdated \Classes\SalesTableType\canPickingListBeUpdated For sales order list page you can refer below method. \Classes\SalesTableListPageInteraction\setButtonEnabled

Add custom Lookup for Employee id in Ax 2012

To Add customLookup for Employee id in Ax 2012 you can try below code sample in datasource filed of the form. You can add data method to lookup easily to get the name of the employee. Here HcmWorker is a master table of employee and personnel number and name is the field of Hcmworker table. SysTableLookup sysTableLookup = SysTableLookup::newParameters(tableNum(HcmWorker),_formControl); Query query = new Query(); QueryBuildDataSource queryBuildDataSource = query.addDataSource(tableNum(HcmWorker)); queryBuildDataSource.addRange(fieldnum(HcmWorker,Tester)).value(queryvalue(Noyes::Yes)); sysTableLookup.addLookupfield(fieldNum(HcmWorker,PersonnelNumber)); sysTableLookup.addLookupMethod(tableMethodStr(HcmWorker,Name)); sysTableLookup.parmQuery(query); sysTableLookup.performFormLookup();

Ax 2012 Dynamic or run time Query Range without coding in Reports

I am sharing This clip which will show you How to Add Dynamic or runtime Query Range without coding in Report In Axapta. This tips will work in all version of Axapta. Ax versions which are available in Market are from ax 2.5 to Dynamics 365. How to use query range in a smart way to avoid customization and coding. Dynamics ax is very much user-friendly ERP. I hope you will like this tips.

Code sample to open existing excel file in Axapta

Code sample to open excel file in Axapta. You can use below code in any version of Axapta. First, you need to paste the file in particular folder path then you can open it by using job or class. You can check below code through job x++ editor. This code can be helpful if you want to provide the menu item to export template for the user. fileName = "C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\TestTemplate.xlsx" ; WinAPI::shellExecute(fileName); WinAPI::setFileAttributes(filename,1);

Overview of Ax build version and history summary

I Want to share information from one video which I have created recently. URL is as below. By viewing This video you will able to know Introduction of Microsoft Dynamics Ax and build version in the Hindi language. Following topics included in this clip. 1.Axapta is born 2.Build versions of MS Axapta 3.Purpose of different versions of Axapta. 4.Journey of ax 2012 5.CU and RU Updates 6.Roadmap survey 7.Axapta service packs 8. Purpose of ERP 9. Year of versions 10.Working knowledge of Axapta If you like this clip then you can go for subscription to know latest updates on ax in future.

Delete Cascade,Loop statement ,Query build data source and Ax tips

Delete Cascade Option in Ax 2012 This clip will show you How can you Delete Cascade Option in Table Ax 2012.You can understand this option better way by reading below. Types of delete action Cascade Restricted Cascade+restricted A cascading deletion action will delete all records in the related table, where the foreign key is equivalent to the primary key of the current table. That is, deleting the parent record will also delete the child record(s) in the related table. This cascading will take place whether the deletion is performed in code or directly by a user through the user interface. Restricted A restricting delete action will raise an error message if the user tries to delete a record, where records exist in the related table where the foreign key is equivalent to the primary key of the current table. This error will only appear if the deletion is performed through the user interface. A deletion from X++ code will be allowed to proceed and will not be cascaded to

How to get all Columns of Table in ax 2012 by job x++ code

To get all Columns of Table in ax 2012 by job x++ code you can try below code . If you table have large number of columns and do not have much time then you can use this job to get all columns to use in your code. This job can be very useful for your development. DictTable dictTable = new sysDictTable(tableNum(testTable)); fieldId fieldId=dictTable.fieldNext(0); dictField dictField; while(fieldId) { dictField=dictTable.fieldObject(fieldId); info(strFmt('testTable.%1 = %2;',, any2str(""))); fieldId= dictTable.fieldNext(fieldId); }

Things to Know in Dynamics 365 architecture

To Consider in Dynamics 365 portal architecture: Consider deployment . Desktop applications must be installed upon a particular nimble system and deployed for each PC. Web applications can have less deployment or update effort for hundreds or thousands of PCs. Consider platform limitations.  The desktop is limited by its hardware, and must meet the hardware requirements to intend the application. Web applications can meet the expense of admission to rarefied applications delivered from a centralized infrastructure. A Mobile device is limited by its screen place, user-within take effect memory and data association. Consider users.   Who will be the majority of the users?  How will they be accessing Dynamics 365?  We are in a mobile driven world where most individuals surrounded by 12 to 70 years very old-fashioned own a mobile device. Of those mobile users 46% use a mobile application to urge regarding them considering shopping and a propos-the-go research. Consider security.

Online Practical to Create Security Role,Privileges,Duties in Ax 2012

If you want to learn How to Create Role ,Privileges,Duties in Ax 2012 then You can follow below . Steps are as below These are the steps How to create new role for Form display menu item in Ax 2012 1.Go to Menu item and create new menu item attach form object in properties. 2.Go to AOT security note and go to  privilege and create new privilege then drag menu item to entry point. 3.Go to duty and create new Duty drag created privilege to duty. 4. Go to role and create new role and drag duty and privilege to role. Now you can see your role for assigning to users on users form Same steps you can view on below clip on YouTube. You can subscribe video to learn more and get update for new version like dynamics 365.