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Import Error during Data Migration Framework in Ax 2012

If  you are facing Import Error during Data Migration Framework  in Ax 2012 like following image. You have installed Data Migration Framework (Beta 2) then You are facing this error when You try to import DMF ax model by PowerShell. Then you can solve It by changing the folder name because by default the folder name contain word (Beta) between brackets,You need to remove the brackets and correct the path in PowerShell.

AOT Components preview in dynamics Axapta 2012

Following are AOT Components preview in Microsoft dynamics Axapta 2012, In Ax 2012 Parts,Visual Studio projects etc are new component added in AOT. You can see lot of changes in form design but base method and code are same as ax 2009.  

Records not showing on form from Employee table after importing in Ax 2012

If you are  using dynamics ax 2012 r2 then you may face problem is there are no records of employees/workers/contractors in you hr module but record are in the tables same when you create a new record its visible only in the tables. Solution: The records in your tables are most probably imported, but when you did so you forgot to import all related tables like dirperson, dirparty employment and so on Check all tables that are in hcmworker form datasource and make sure they contain appropriate data with relations to hcmworker table . Same way if you are facing problem in other module like item master or customer table then you need to import data for all master data of related tables,

How to take backup of AOT nodes by code in axapta

To take backup of AOT nodes by code in axapta you can try following code in job to export AOT classes xpo.  

Count total number of records through query in axapta

To Count total number of records through query in axapta you can try following code in Ax job.   Query query = new Query(); QueryRun queryRun; QueryBuildDataSource qbds; ; qbds = query.addDataSource(tablenum(SalesTable)); queryRun = new QueryRun(query); info(strfmt("Total Records in Salestable is %1",SysQuery::countTotal(queryRun))); you can get same thing by using select query also. select count(recid) from salestable.

Workflow development through wizard in ax 2012

Now in new version of Axapta which is 2012 it easy to develop workflow. There is workflow wizard facility available. To know more details you can visit this link. You can delelop workflow within 2 hours instead of 2 days. So be happy in technical development . Happy DAXING.

Create and post Purchase order in Axapta 2012

If you want to Create and post Purchase order in Axapta 2012 then you can try following code. In purchase order posting purchase invoice no. is compulsory so you need to mention invoice id  in code also. 1. Create purchase order PurchTable purchTable; PurchLine purchLine; VendTable vendTable = VendTable::find("v9009"); AxPurchTable axPurchTable; AxPurchLine axPurchLine; PurchFormLetter purchFormLetter; purchTable.initFromVendTable(vendTable); axPurchTable = axPurchTable::newPurchTable(purchTable); axPurchTable.parmPurchaseType(PurchaseType::Purch); axPurchTable.parmDocumentStatus(DocumentStatus::PurchaseOrder); axPurchTable.parmAccountingDate(systemDateGet()); axPurchTable.parmDeliveryDate(systemdateget()); axPurchTable.parmPurchStatus(PurchStatus::Backorder); axPurchTable.doSave(); PurchLine.initFromPurchTable(purchTable); axPurchLine = AxPurchLine::newPurchLine(purchLine); axpurchLine.parmItemId(78788); axPurchLine.