You can clear log for batch job history in Ax by following code. This code can work in most of ax version . If you want to clear log till some date that you can also specify in query . You can just copy and paste below code run or execute. BatchJobHistory BatchJobHistory; date startDate; TimeOfDay startTime; utcDateTime rangeStart; startDate=mkDate(21,12,2014); startTime = str2time("6:00:00 am"); rangeStart = DateTimeUtil::newDateTime(startDate,startTime); delete_from BatchJobHistory where BatchJobHistory.createdDateTime<rangeStart; //select count(RecId) from BatchJobHistory where BatchJobHistory.createdDateTime<rangeStart ; // info(strFmt("%1 till cleanup done ",BatchJobHistory.RecId)); info(strFmt("%1 till cleanup done ",rangeStart));