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Resolved :The Web Part page was not created correctly on the site

Problem : While deploying EP form getting business connector error. Error  “The Web Part page  was not created correctly on the site. No .NET Business Connector session could be found.” . No .NET Business Connector session could be found Solution : You can  try this and check. 1. Uncheck the Anonymous user of "IIS \ Directory Security \ Authentication and access control " 2. Add the BCProxy user to the local Administration group on the IIS server. 3. Then restart IIS and AX.

Steps to open AIF ports in case of major issue in Ax 2012

These are the Steps to open or enable all AIF port in case of major issue in Ax 2012 like Workflow issues, Business logic execution etc. 1) Stop all relevant AOS server(s) 2) On your relevant AOS server(s) navigate to the following folder (default) using Windows Explorer: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Server\MicrosoftDynamicsAX\bin\XppIL 3) Make sure you create a safe copy of the XPPIL folder content to another new local folder on the AOS computer (example: C:\XPPIL_Backup) 4) Now delete all folders and files inside the folder “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Server\MicrosoftDynamicsAX\bin\XppIL” but keep the folder “XPPIL” itself. 5) Start all AOS server(s) 6) Rull full dos based compilation using axutil. (axbuild.exe xppcompileall /aos=01 /altbin="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Client\Bin" /workers=4) 7) Run a full CIL creation from AOT. This will create a fresh rebuild of all files/ folders inside the XPPIL folder 8)...

How to Update Project Status by Code in Ax 2012

To Update Project Status by Code in Ax 2012 You can get help from below code sample. In this code if Project status is created then it will update to In process stage. Same way you can try as per your requirement. Projtable projTable; int cnt; ttsBegin; while select forUpdate projtable where projTable.Status==ProjStatus::Created { cnt++; projtable.Status=ProjStatus::InProcess; projtable.update(); } ttsCommit; info(strFmt("%1 Project Updated",cnt));

What are the standard Cubes in Microsoft Dynamics Ax 2012 R3

Following Cubes are available as standard Cube in Microsoft Dynamics Ax 2012 R3 1 Accounts payable cube (VendCube) 2 Accounts receivable cube (CustCube) 3 Budget control cube (BudgetControlCube) 4 Budget plan cube (BudgetPlanCube) 5 Demand forecast accuracy cube (ReqDemPlanAccuracyCube) 6 Demand forecast cube (ReqDemandPlanningCube) 7 Environmental sustainability cube (EMSCube) 8 Expense management cube (TrvCube) 9 General ledger cube (LedgerCube) 10 Human resources cube (HumanResourceCube) 11 Inventory value cube (InventValueCube) 12 Payroll cube (PayrollCube) 13 Production cube (ProdCube) 14 Profit tax totals cube (RTax25Registers) 15 Project accounting cube (ProjCube) 16 Purchase cube (PurchCube) 17 Retail cube (RetailCube) 18 Sales and marketing cube (smmSalesMarketingCube) 19 Sales cube (SalesCube) 20 Workflow cube (WorkflowCube)

What are the Tools to analyse dumps Crash of Ax ,LCS

Top Ideas for Things to Develop in Axapta

Top Ideas for Things if You will  Develop in Axapta. Single user License You can try single instance access to Ax .As per this task user should not able to open more than on ax instance or client except admin user so all user restricted to open multiple session of ax. Screen user login and password Required login credential to open ax instance . Each user has own credential. In standard way user able to open ax without login screen. Workflow Pending Aging You can Show user details on which workflow is pending to approve. How much time its pending is treated as aging. This task done on form. Workflow actions email alerts All Pending Workflow with user need to send email to particular user as per provided template  format every day and Cancelled, Stopped, Unrecoverable workflow status should be send to email to admin user. Image in email header and signatu...

Advance Warehouse management (Mobile) Ax 2012