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Bank Account Reconciliation Error in Ax 2012

Getting below error on Bank Account Reconciliation in Ax 2012. Solution: The error given above generally comes when a manual entry is made in the Bank Reconciliation form. After checking data it was found that a manual entry has been done in one of the transactions for an amount xxxx. This requires ledger account in the Bank Transaction type.To correct this issue A journal voucher is required to be posted for the adjustment transaction of particular amount which is found as manual entry.

System admin cannot add or edit roles privileges duties Ax 2012

Problem: Issue is user sys admin not able add or edit and roles privileges duties etc its allowing from AOT but not from AX client. Solution: If you have Sys Admin and Sys User you should be able to make changes via System administration > Setup > Security but if you are still not able to do that then there may be something setting issue. After checking all setting at Ax found that Version control was enabled in the system so its not allowing to change roles privileges and duties  when Version control disabled then its working fine. Due to Version control enabled its being locked for change and its for security reason.

Table Replication Error on Synchronization in Ax 2012

Getting this error on data dictionary synchronization.. Error Synchronise database Cannot execute a data definition language command on  (). The SQL database has issued an error. Info Synchronise database SQL error description: [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Cannot alter column 'VOUCHER' because it is 'REPLICATED'. Info Synchronise database SQL statement: ALTER TABLE "DBO".BANKCHEQUETABLE ALTER COLUMN VOUCHER nvarchar(30) NOT NULL Error Synchronise database Cannot execute a data definition language command on  (). The SQL database has issued an error. Info Synchronise database SQL error description: [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Cannot alter column 'VOUCHER' because it is 'REPLICATED'. Info Synchronise database SQL statement: ALTER TABLE "DBO".BANKDEPOSIT ALTER COLUMN VOUCHER nvarchar(30) NOT NULL Error Synchronise database Cannot execute a data definition languag...

Purchase order Budget validation Error in Ax 2012

Problem: Purchase order Budget validation Error in Ax 2012 coming during purchase invoice . This PO is previous year purchase order on which period is stopped/closed. "The accounting date for the invoice must be in the same fiscal year as the related purchased order. Run the purchase order year-end process or change the date to the current fiscal year" Solution: Check the option in below menu. Go to budgeting -Setup->Budget control->Budget control configuration and make changes in projectsourcedoucuemntlineitemHelper class of projTranstype method by comparing class at Hotfix Ax 2012 R2 KB2921204

Workflow stopped Error after submission for approval in Ax 2012

Problem . I faced this error Workflow stopped Error after submission for approval in Ax 2012. The items are Purchased, Received or Registered. Quantity ordered cannot be reduced because there are not enough open stock transactions with the ordered status. Observation My observation is as below When I am create new Purchase order and purchase order is in invoiced status but 2 qty is in cancel mode then purchase order getting approved but for old order its give above error. After investigation on google and other sites I did not get anything so finally I did approved workflow from back end activity. I hope some people who is smart they will give answer to me on this query. After some days I get same error again then I assigned admin rights to approval user then its getting approved.

IDMF Posting error on starting for Ax 2012 windows 8 r2

This topic is related to Intelligent Data Management Framework for Microsoft Dynamics. If you have installed IDMF then trying to start IDMF then facing error like must complete post installation task then you can resolve error by using following menu path. Click Start > All Programs > Intelligent Data Management Framework > Post-installation tasks If you are using windows 8 r2 then you can type post installation on startup like this screen. After running this you will see command prompt which will show instruction step by step like xpo import,synchronization of meta database .You may face rights error during that so you need to resolve in SQL management studio by give permission of database to user.

Find Ledger Account Id by Ledger dimension in Ax 2012

To Find Ledger Account Id by Ledger dimension in Ax 2012 you can get hint from below code. findByLedgerDimension is a method defined in Mainaccount table where you can pass ledgerdimension value . MainAccountId is field name which is created in MainAccount Table. MainAccount Table is main master table for Ledgers. info(strFmt("%1",MainAccount::findByLedgerDimension(3427167077).MainAccountId));