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Error on Purchase order posting in Ax 2012

 If You are getting following error on  Purchase order posting in Ax 2012 Error Description Cannot execute a data definition language command on accounting distribution (AccountingDistributionTmpJournalize). Amount in transaction currency: 0,00. The SQL database has issued an error.  Object Server 01:   [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]Invalid object name  'tempdb.DBO.t100007_093C403F6242343F93ED4D1F8739A'. Error Message  INSERT INTO tempdb."DBO".t100007_093323236220423232323 (TRANSACTIONCURRENCYAMOUNT,ACCOUNTINGDISTRIBUTION,RECVERSION,PARTITION) SELECT T1.TRANSACTIONCURRENCYAMOUNT,T1.RECID,1,5637144576 FROM ACCOUNTINGDISTRIBUTION T1 WHERE ((T1.PARTITION=5637144576) AND ((T1.REFERENCEROLE=3) AND (T1.SOURCEDOCUMENTLINE<>563343466))) AND EXISTS (SELECT 'x' FROM ACCOUNTINGDISTRIBUTION T2 WHERE ((T2.PARTITION=5637144576) AND (((T2.SOURCEDOCUMENTLINE=5637251266) AND (T2.MONETARYAMOUNT=1)) AND (T2.RECID=T1.REFERENCEDISTRIB...

Resolved:SQL error after CU7 update to AX2012 R3 on Execution of query

Following SQL error throwing  after CU7 update to AX2012 R3 on Execution of query. Error: SQL error description: [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]String or binary data would be truncated. SQL statement: UPDATE T1 SET ACTNAME=((T2.DISPLAYVALUE+?)+T4.NAME),NONLEDGERACCOUNTNAME=T4.NAME,RECVERSION=? FROM tempdb."DBO".t12143_065EB03A5044473883A01845DF64A84A T1 CROSS JOIN DIMENSIONATTRIBUTEVALUECOMBINATION T2 CROSS JOIN VENDTABLE T3 CROSS JOIN DIRPARTYTABLE T4 WHERE ((T1.PARTITION=?) AND (T1.ACCOUNTTYPE=?)) AND ((T2.PARTITION=?) AND (T2.RECID=T1.LEDGERDIMENSION)) AND (((T3.PARTITION=?) AND (T3.DATAAREAID=?)) AND (T3.ACCOUNTNUM=T2.DISPLAYVALUE)) AND ((T4.PARTITION=?) AND (T4.RECID=T3.PARTY)) Solution: Find then Actname column in table which are currently used for query then increase then length of column as required or change Extended datatype which have more size then current. For example -Change EDT from Name to DirPartyName for particular column ....

Issue on Budgeting Module in AX 2012 R3 RTM

Issue on Budgeting Module in AX 2012 R3 RTM Issue description: Uploaded budget using DIMF but the problem is that uploaded budget is not reflecting on Budget Analysis Inquiry however it is appearing at Budget Balance Inquiry and system is not considering that budget due to which is it through error of budget not available at transactions. Solution: Problem got resolved basically Budget Control was turned off while uploading and posting Budget so system was not considering in budget check now we have to reverse and reload budget.

AX AOS Service Start issue -Error Code 100 for Ax 2012

If you are facing AOS Service start issue with error code 100 then you will not able to resolve issue without doing some modification in database table. Error Investigation: After searching error description in event-viewer I found following message. Object Server 01:  Fatal SQL condition during login. Error message: "The internal time zone version number stored in the database is higher than the version supported by the kernel (7/8).  After that I search on google then found solution below. select rows from SQLSystemVariables  table in particular database then check value of  SYSTIMEZONESVERSION  column it will be 8 you need to update this value to 7 then you will able to start service. Once service get started then you can update kernel version with 8 by using setup. I hope you have an idea to resolve this issue.

Error Executing code : BatchJobAlert(Table) in ax 2012

If you are facing following error. Then following solution you can apply for this issue. 1. Compile full CIL. 2. Synchronize the database.

Workflow stopped working in ax 2012-Cannot edit a record in Workflow tracking status table

Error Description Workflow stopped working. This exception is coming in event log  X++ Exception: Workflow work item escalation failed! Please contact your system administrator.  at WorkflowTrackingTable-saveTracking SysWorkflowWorkItem-escalate X++ Exception: (S)\Jobs\  at  X++ Exception: Cannot edit a record in Workflow tracking status table (WorkflowTrackingStatusTable). Update must be performed inside a transaction. second is this Update must be performed inside a transaction. Workaround for solution: I did following things to resolve this error. 1. Synchronization of Data dictionary. 2. Run Full Compile  3. Stop Ax service. 4. Restart Ax server. 5. Restart Ax services.

Enable Database Log for Table in Ax 2012

To Enable Database Log for Table in Ax 2012 you can follow below steps. Go to system Administration ->setup ->Database->Database Log Setup After clicking Database Log setup you need to select your table if you are not getting your table then click on show all tables then you can get your table too. Then Complete wizard as per requirement of  enabling log for insert,update,delete on fields or table. I want to suggest do not take all tables its will effect performance of ERP. If log are not getting generated after setting all steps then you need to check table property and savedatapercompany should yes to work that. But you can user savedatapercompany property only if your table is empty.