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how to delete duplicate records through ax 2012

To Delete duplicate records  from salesTable or any other table through ax 2012 by x++ code you can write code in Ax job. Set fieldSet = new set(Types::Integer); DictIndex IndexName = new DictIndex( tablenum(SalesTable), indexnum(SalesTable,SalesIdx)); int i; ; if(IndexName.numberOfFields()) { for(i=1;i<=IndexName.numberOfFields();i++) { fieldSet.add(IndexName.field(i)); } ReleaseUpdateDB::indexAllowDup(IndexName); ReleaseUpdateDB::deleteDuplicatesUsingIds(tablenum(SalesTable),0, fieldSet); ReleaseUpdateDB::indexAllowNoDup(IndexName); } info("Duplicate records deleted successfully");

Link for Simple UI Builder Class in SSRS Report in AX 2012

This UI Builder class is a class help you to customize your dialog which pop ups when you open a Report. UI Builder Class also  helps you to add run time lookups and other controls like combobox,textbox,checkboxes etc on the dialog form. I want to share import Link for Simple UI Builder Class in SSRS Report in AX 2012 .