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Call go to main table form using jumpref method in axapta

public void jumpRef() { Args args; menuFunction menuFunctionobject; ; args = new Args(); menuFunctionobject = new menuFunction(menuitemDisplayStr(“FormName”), MenuItemType::Display); args = new Args(menuFunctionobject.object()); args.caller(element); args.record(“datasource which added in the current form”);; }

How to get dimension value from ledger dimension in axapta 2012

DimensionAttribute dimensionAttribute1; DimensionAttributeValueGroupStatus dimAttrValueGroupStatus1; DimensionAttributeValueGroupCombination dimAttrValueGroupCombo1; DimensionAttributeValueGroup dimAttrValueGroup1; DimensionAttributeLevelValue dimAttrLevelValue1; DimensionAttributeValue dimAttrValue1; DimensionAttrValueCOAOverride dimAttrValueCOAOverride1; DimensionAttrValueLedgerOverride dimAttrValueLedgerOverride1; DimensionFinancialTag dimensionFinancialTag1; InventPosting inventPosting1; DimensionValue Dim1, Dim2, Dim3; MainAccountNum LedgerAc; RecId LedgerRecId, dimCombinationId; dimCombinationId = 65656776; // for example here i gave a valid ledgerdimension // find MainAccountId from LedgerDimension LedgerAc = MainAccount::findByLedgerDimension(dimCombinationId).MainAccountId; LedgerRecId = Ledger...

ForceLiterals in axapta

ForceLiterals ForceLiterals instructs the kernel to reveal the actual values used in the "where" clauses to the database server at the time of optimization. This is an example of how to use this keyword. static void DemoForceLiterals() { InventTrans inventTrans; ; while select forceliterals inventTrans order by itemId where inventTrans.DatePhysical >= mkdate(21,12,2012) { } }

Add Roles to an Existing User in ax 2012 for sharepoint

1. Open the Microsoft Dynamics AX client. 2. Go to System Administration > Common > Users > Users. 3. Double-click user1  in the grid to edit his record. 4. Click Assign roles in the User's role section of the form. 5. Select module  and click OK. 6. Click Start > Power button options > Switch User. 7. Press Ctrl-Alt-Delete to log on. 8. Click Other User 9. Log on as user1. 10. Run the Dynamics AX client. 11. View the changes in user1's access. 12. Switch user back to Administrator

Value of ERP Microsoft dynamics axapta

ERP is a line of integrated, adaptable business management solutions that enable the people to make important business decisions with greater confidence. Microsoft Dynamics Axapta  is a multi-language, multi-currency, multi-dimension, multi-location and multi-organisation ERP. It is easy to configure, easy to learn and easy to maintain. In India, the demand for Axapta is growing rapidly especially in South India and more particularly in textile industries, auto components manufacturer etc., Due to this fact, there is a great demand for Axapta Professionals both functional and technical. The salary offered for these professionals is at par with other software professionals offered by IT industry. Soft learn has been mainly established to cope up with the demand for Axapta Professionals. Demand of ERP professionals are increasing day by day so be ready to become ERP Professional for your bright future.

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Development Introduction:MB6-869 Certification sample questions

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Development Introduction:MB6-869  Certification sample questions  QUESTION NO: 1 You are preparing to remove data from a database table by modifying cross-company data. You want to achieve this by making use of a single command. Which of the following actions should you take? A. You should make use of the RecordInsertList class. B. You should make use of the delete_from sequel statement. C. You should make use of the delete_recordset sequel statement. D. You should make use of the RecordSortedList class. QUESTION NO:2 You have been instructed to make sure that new data is added to a Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 database in bulk. You need to make sure that the instruction is adequately carried out. Which of the following actions should you take? A. You should consider making use of the RecordInsertList.add method. B. You should consider making use of the method. C. You should consider making use of the RecordInsertList.insertD...