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Index Tips for Performance improvement in Axapta

There are some Index Tips for Performance improvement in Axapta. You need to take care on index creation. 1. To create Index on table you can go to particular table from AOT then go Index then right click then create new Index. You should apply naming convention for index as per column added in to index. 2. You need to maintain sequence of column in index as suggested through sql performance tuning adviser. There is include column option available in Ax 2012 but in Ax 2009 include column option is not available. 3. If there is recid field inclusion in index then please avoid this column to include in index because its unique filed and system maintain auto index creation if you select property createrecidx on table to yes . 4. Do not include dataareaid in index column because system take this column by default on all index. 5.After index creation synchronize table from AOT and re-index the table.

Define dimension values to container in ax 2012

To Define dimension values to container in ax 2012 you can try below code same way you can do for other dimension values like department,region ,store etc. DimensionDefault defaultDimension; str costcenter; Container con,defDimension,ledgerDimension; costcenter="0122"; if(costcenter) { defDimension = ["COSTCENTRE",costcenter]; } defDimension = [1] + defDimension; You can use defDimension value to AxdDimensionUtil::getDimensionAttributeValueSetId method to get default dimension recid as per provided values.

Steps for Workflow in ax 2012

Hotfix KB information to resolve issue based on localization in ax 2012 r2 and RTM

These are some Hotfix KB information to resolve issue based on localization in ax 2012 r2 and RTM version.

How Ax code is working

There are lot of Technical who write code in Axapta but they did not understand meaning of all lines of code only know output of code. My tips if you relate axapta code with c++ then you can understand it easily. If you understand concept of class and its object means oops concept then you can learn Ax faster. In Ax code is depends upon object. We can create object for Tables,class,View,Forms,Macros,maps etc. and each object execute on its own value. If you have very good in pointer concept ,object concept then you can under axapta very easy. Second thing you should know basic tables in Standard axapta like ledgertable, ledgerTrans, VendTable, vendtrans etc.  Without knowing functionality of process you can not do anything with code. So I hope above tips can help you to start leaning of Axapta. So good luck.

Error: windows could no start the Microsoft dynamics ax object server on local computer

After changed system password if You are not able to open ax and getting the below error. windows could no start the Microsoft dynamics ax object server on local computer To solve this issue..You can do following. Solution:   Try to change the password for the AOS service. If you have change user password then you need to change password on Ax and Sql services .

Limitation of SSRS in Ax 2012

I did not work much on SSRS in Ax 2012 but whatever I worked I experienced that SSRS Report main limitation is Performance point. If you are using temporary table to show data in SSRS report in Ax 2012 then  loading data to report takes more time and mostly Ax developer used temporary table funda in DP class to show data in report because its easy just insert data to temp table.  If there are lac nos of records then you will be frustrate on ssrs reports. Second things is its become timeout sometimes if its take more time to show data. Other limitation is showing data properly and printing data to a4 size paper then there is chalange to fit report in a4 and letter size paper. There may be some blank pages in between pages. Last chalange I face that some times lable of field show numbers instead of description so you need to do restart service type activity to correct this.