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Showing posts from September, 2018

Tips to Create Customer Address view in Axapta 2012

You can refer relation between table in below image which can help you to create view for Customer address master. Getting customer address is difficult due to multiple table involvement for tables. I hope this image will help you to create customer Address view. Thanks in advance.

Solved : Timeout Error on AIF Web Service inbound during call by code in Axapta

If you are facing Timeout Error on AIF Webservice  inbound  during call code in ax 2012 then you need to increase timeout setting in web-service port configuration. Steps to resolve this error is as below. 1. Go to System Administration menu. 2. Go  to this path \Menus\SystemAdministration\Setup\Services and Application Integration Framework\Inbound ports 3. Select the service port which you want to set timeout then disable the service. 4. Click on configuration. 4. Set the time out receive timeout, sent timeout,open timeout etc 5. After setting time out Enable web service port again. 6. Now check and run code for timeout issue get resolved.

Batch job History Log Cleanup code in Axapta till specified date

You can clear log for batch job history in Ax by following code. This code can work in most of ax version . If you want to clear  log till some date that you can also specify in query . You can just copy and paste below code run or execute. BatchJobHistory BatchJobHistory; date startDate; TimeOfDay startTime; utcDateTime rangeStart; startDate=mkDate(21,12,2014); startTime = str2time("6:00:00 am"); rangeStart = DateTimeUtil::newDateTime(startDate,startTime); delete_from BatchJobHistory where BatchJobHistory.createdDateTime<rangeStart; //select count(RecId) from BatchJobHistory where BatchJobHistory.createdDateTime<rangeStart ; // info(strFmt("%1 till cleanup done ",BatchJobHistory.RecId)); info(strFmt("%1 till cleanup done ",rangeStart));