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Showing posts from October, 2015

Management Reporter Exception -The security timestamp is invalid with Ax 2012

Error Description Getting below error on opening Management reporter . This error logged in event-viewer. System.ServiceModel.Security.MessageSecurityException: The security timestamp is invalid because its creation time ('2015-10-01T10:50:06.777Z') is in the future. Current time is '2015-10-01T10:43:51.967Z' and allowed clock skew is '00:05:00'. Server stack trace:     at System.ServiceModel.Security.SecurityTimestamp.ValidateFreshness(TimeSpan timeToLive, TimeSpan allowedClockSkew)    at System.ServiceModel.Security.SecurityTimestamp.ValidateRangeAndFreshness(TimeSpan timeToLive, TimeSpan allowedClockSkew)    at System.ServiceModel.Security.ReceiveSecurityHeader.ReadTimestamp(XmlDictionaryReader reader)    at System.ServiceModel.Security.ReceiveSecurityHeader.ExecuteFullPass(XmlDictionaryReader reader)    at System.ServiceModel.Security.ReceiveSecurityHeader.Process(TimeSpan timeout, ChannelBinding channelBinding, Exte...

Relation between HcmPosition , HcmWorker and DirPartyTable in ax 2012

Relation between HcmPosition , HcmWorker and DirPartyTable in ax 2012  1.DirPartyTable is equivalnt to Dir Person and PersonId is present in HcmWorker Table and for worker Position there is HcmPositionWorkerAssingment table in which u will find the HcmWorker id n HcmPosition id. 2.there is no direct relation b/w HcmPosition and HcmWorker where the relation is made through HcmPositionWorkerAssignment as #Xainu said i.e HcmPositionWorkerAssignment .worker = HcmWorker.RecId, and for HcmWorker and DirPartyTable - RecId of DirPartyTable is nothing but person field in HcmWorker 3.For hcmworker and hxm position: hcmworker has relation with hcmpositionworkerassignment and hcmpositionworkerassignment has relation with hcmposition and hcmposition has with hcmposition detail. For dirpartytable abd hcmworker: dirpartytable has relation with dirperson and dirperson has relation with hcmworker.