If You are getting following error on Purchase order posting in Ax 2012 Error Description Cannot execute a data definition language command on accounting distribution (AccountingDistributionTmpJournalize). Amount in transaction currency: 0,00. The SQL database has issued an error. Object Server 01: [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]Invalid object name 'tempdb.DBO.t100007_093C403F6242343F93ED4D1F8739A'. Error Message INSERT INTO tempdb."DBO".t100007_093323236220423232323 (TRANSACTIONCURRENCYAMOUNT,ACCOUNTINGDISTRIBUTION,RECVERSION,PARTITION) SELECT T1.TRANSACTIONCURRENCYAMOUNT,T1.RECID,1,5637144576 FROM ACCOUNTINGDISTRIBUTION T1 WHERE ((T1.PARTITION=5637144576) AND ((T1.REFERENCEROLE=3) AND (T1.SOURCEDOCUMENTLINE<>563343466))) AND EXISTS (SELECT 'x' FROM ACCOUNTINGDISTRIBUTION T2 WHERE ((T2.PARTITION=5637144576) AND (((T2.SOURCEDOCUMENTLINE=5637251266) AND (T2.MONETARYAMOUNT=1)) AND (T2.RECID=T1.REFERENCEDISTRIB...
Technical Tutorials x++,tips on issues or troubleshooting On Ax ERP ,Microsoft Dynamics 365,Ax 2012,Microsoft , U.S.,Business Software solution.