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Showing posts from January, 2014

How to set up parent project in project accounting in ax 2012

create simple project and then go to the project hierarchy fast tab and there you must define sub-project ID format "-#" and then your sub-project will be enabled. For resource assigning in Project first you need to configure the HR module, in that you need to maintain the calendar for those employees and then you need to define the cost of that particular employee (for expense) and for Revenue you need to define the sales price of that particular employee. In the project accounting module you need to mention the calendar in scheduling fast tab and then you need to define WBS, in WBS activity you can be able to assign resources.

Export Import Model example in Ax 2012

Using Export command then no space should exists in your model name but if you have blank space in model name then single quote is required. Example of Exporting model Export-AXModel –Model 'Model1' -File d:\model1.axmodel Example of Importing Model Install-AXModel -File d:\Model1.axmodel -Details To execute above command you need to open Microsoft Dynamics AX Management Shell.

Application object Server name in current session

You can write below code to get Application object Server name in current session in axapta . sysClientSessions _ClientSessions; sysServerSessions _ServerSessions; select _ServerSessions exists join _ClientSessions where _ClientSessions.SessionId == sessionID() && _ClientSessions.ServerID == _ServerSessions.ServerId; info(substr(_ServerSessions.AOSId, 1, strfind(_ServerSessions.AOSId, '@', 1, strlen(_ServerSessions.AOSId))-1));

Type hierarchy browser in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

There is a new tool called the Type hierarchy browser, to understand how the new data structures live within Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. You can get to this tool, from any object within AX actually. Classes, tables, etc Lets pick a new structure in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, EcoResProduct. This is part of the new Master Data Management (MDM) / Product Data Management (PDM), that will exists out of the box for this release of AX. Once we have selected the EcoResProduct table, within the AOT, simply right click, add-ins, and then click on the 'Type hierarchy browser' menu item. Once we do this, we then see the hierarchy that exists for the EcoResProduct table, which extends from the Common table object. You will notice, that both Common and the EcoResProduct tables have RecId, revVersions & relationType. In here we can see as well that the EcoResProduct table inherits methods, from the Common table object. Fields that exists at the EcoResProduct table, are marked with blu...

workflow status is pending for long time in AX 2012

Problem-workflow status is pending for long time and work Items are not creating, in AX 2012. Solution: Check if workflow message processing batch job is running or not? Also check the history of the workflow from View-> history option to see if there are any errors during workflow processing? you can temporarily do is to start Tutorial_WorkflowProcessor form and then click Start button to forcefully process the workflow task stuck in the queue. One thing more you need to check if the workflow batch job group has any AOS server assigned or no t?

Ax 2012 code,Get Inventory On hand qty for item of inventory dimension

InventDimOnHand _inventOnhand; InventDimOnHandIterator _InventDimOnHandIterator; InventDimOnHandMember _InventDimOnHandMember ; ItemId itemId; InventDim _inventDim; InventDimParm _inventDimParm, inventDimParmOnHandLevel; InventDim inventDim; InventDimOnHandLevel _InventDimOnHandLevel; ; itemId = '76576'; _inventDim.InventLocationId = '1113'; _inventDim = InventDim::findOrCreate(_inventDim); _inventDimParm.InventLocationIdFlag = true; _InventDimOnHandLevel = InventDimOnHandLevel::DimParm; inventDimParmOnHandLevel.ItemIdFlag = true; inventDimParmOnHandLevel.InventLocationIdFlag = true; inventDimParmOnHandLevel.WMSLocationIdFlag = true; inventDimParmOnHandLevel.InventBatchIdFlag = true; _inventOnhand = InventDimOnHand::newAvailPhysical(itemId, _inventDim, _inventDimParm, _InventDimOnHandLevel, inventDimParmOnHandLevel); _InventDimOnHand...