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Showing posts from December, 2013

Steps to install EP in Ax 2012

1) Custom Installation makes you to install components required for the particular instance. 2) A minimum installation of Microsoft Dynamics AX consists of a business database, a model store, an instance of Application Object Server (AOS), and at least one client 3) Setup will now check for prerequisite. If not present, one have to select the configure checkbox and click on configure button. 4) Create new database 5) Select server name and provide the database name. 6) Select Additional Models 8) Configure AOS instance 9) Specify AOS Account 10) In the next screen it will again check for prerequisite and final install it. EP Installation 1) Run the setup of AX and select the components of EP. 2) It will validate the prerequisite as follows. a. The main prerequisite for EP is Microsoft Sharepoint Foundation 2010 b. After installing Share point i. Go to Microsoft Sharepoint 2010 products. ii. Sharepoint 2010 Central Administrator. iii. Application Management iv. Manage ...

Application layer structure in ax 2012

primitive data types in Microsoft Dynamics AX

Primitive Description String A number of characters. Integer A number without a decimal point. 32 bits wide. Real A number with a decimal point. Date Contains day, month and year. Time Contains hours, minutes and seconds. UTCDateTime A combination of date and time types into one data type that also holds time zone information. Enum A set of literals that are represented internally as integers. Container A composite data type that is a dynamic list of items containing primitive data types and/or some composite datatypes. GUID Globally Unique Identifier. A 16-byte number generated that uniquely identifies a network or interface. Int64 A number without a decimal point. 64 bits wide. Boolean Only contains the values false and true.

AOT Access level in ax 2012

Code to update customer phone number on AX2012 R2

This is code to  update customer phone number on AX2012 R2. You can check this code through simple small job. DirPartyPhoneNoView PhoneNo; ContactPerson contactperson; CustTable custTable; custTable = CustTable::Find("C45102"); PhoneNo = PhoneNo::find(custTable.Party); PhoneNo.Locator = '6567767657'; PhoneNo.Type = LogisticsElectronicAddressMethodType::Phone; PhoneNo.IsPrimary = true; contactPersonEntity.createOrUpdatePhoneNo(PhoneNo);

Code to Get dimension description and value in ax 2012

This is hints of Code to Get dimension description and value in ax 2012. I have taken example of purchase order to show by selection first line of purchase line dimension value and description. PurchLine _purchLine; DimensionValue _Dimvalue; Description _Dimdesc; ; select firstonly _purchLine; _Dimvalue= dimValue(_purchLine.DefaultDimension, 'Department'); _Dimdesc = dimDesc(s_purchLine.DefaultDimension, 'Department'); info(strfmt("%1: %2", _Dimvalue, _Dimdesc));

Code to create table data in CSV File in axapta 2012

CommaTextIo file; container line; CustTable custTable; #define.filename(@'C:\Test\TestFile.csv') #File file = new CommaTextIo(#filename, #io_write); if (!file || file.status() != IO_Status::Ok) { throw error("File cannot be opened."); } while select AccountNum, Name from custTable { line = [ custTable.Name , custTable.Name]; file.writeExp(line); } info(strFmt("File %1 created in specified folder.", #filename)); }

Enable breakpoint through Ax Server Configuration utility

1. Click Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Server Configuration to open the Microsoft Dynamics AX Server Configuration utility . 2. Click Manage and then select Create configuration. . 3. In the Create Configuration form, name the new configuration and click OK. 4. On the Application Object Server tab, select Enable breakpoints to debug code X++ code running on this server. 5. Click Apply. 6. If a message is displayed that indicates that the AOS should be restarted, click OK.

Enable desktop interaction for the World Wide Web Publishing Service

To Enable desktop interaction for the World Wide Web Publishing Service you need to follow below steps. 1. Click Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services to open the services form. 2. Right-click the World Wide Web Publishing Service, and then click Properties. 3. Click the Log On tab and select Allow service to interact with desktop. 4. Click OK to close the properties window.

Configure Business Connector debugging in Axapta

To Configure Business Connector debugging in Axapta  you can do following steps. 1. Click Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Configuration to open the Microsoft Dynamics AX Configuration utility. 2. Set the Configuration Target field to Business Connector (non-interactive use only). 3. Click Manage and then click Create configuration to create a new configuration that allows debugging. 4. Give the configuration a name and click OK. 5. On the Developer tab, select Enable user breakpoints to debug code running in the Business Connector. 6. Copy the Development license code to the Development license code and Confirm license code fields and click Apply.

Configure debugging on the Ax client

1. Open the Microsoft Dynamics AX client and click Tools > Options. 2. On the Development tab, in the Debug mode field, select When Break point, and then click Apply. 3. Close the Options form 4. Open the Microsoft Dynamics AX development environment and set a break point. 5. Click Tools > Developer tools > Debugger to launch the X++ debugger. 6. Run the Web service and the X++ debugger will stop running at the break point.