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Showing posts from June, 2013

How to take backup of AOT nodes by code in axapta

To take backup of AOT nodes by code in axapta you can try following code in job to export AOT classes xpo.  

Count total number of records through query in axapta

To Count total number of records through query in axapta you can try following code in Ax job.   Query query = new Query(); QueryRun queryRun; QueryBuildDataSource qbds; ; qbds = query.addDataSource(tablenum(SalesTable)); queryRun = new QueryRun(query); info(strfmt("Total Records in Salestable is %1",SysQuery::countTotal(queryRun))); you can get same thing by using select query also. select count(recid) from salestable.

Workflow development through wizard in ax 2012

Now in new version of Axapta which is 2012 it easy to develop workflow. There is workflow wizard facility available. To know more details you can visit this link. You can delelop workflow within 2 hours instead of 2 days. So be happy in technical development . Happy DAXING.

Create and post Purchase order in Axapta 2012

If you want to Create and post Purchase order in Axapta 2012 then you can try following code. In purchase order posting purchase invoice no. is compulsory so you need to mention invoice id  in code also. 1. Create purchase order PurchTable purchTable; PurchLine purchLine; VendTable vendTable = VendTable::find("v9009"); AxPurchTable axPurchTable; AxPurchLine axPurchLine; PurchFormLetter purchFormLetter; purchTable.initFromVendTable(vendTable); axPurchTable = axPurchTable::newPurchTable(purchTable); axPurchTable.parmPurchaseType(PurchaseType::Purch); axPurchTable.parmDocumentStatus(DocumentStatus::PurchaseOrder); axPurchTable.parmAccountingDate(systemDateGet()); axPurchTable.parmDeliveryDate(systemdateget()); axPurchTable.parmPurchStatus(PurchStatus::Backorder); axPurchTable.doSave(); PurchLine.initFromPurchTable(purchTable); axPurchLine = AxPurchLine::newPurchLine(purchLine); axpurchLine.parmItemId(78788); axP...

How to debug for How to debug AX 2009 SSRS reports with Microsoft Visual Studio 2008

If you want to set debug for How to debug AX 2009 SSRS reports with Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 then this link is very helpful to know debugging SSRS reports You need to use Visual Studio 2008 integrated debugger and reporting tools,extensions,services, vs 2008 should be installed on your pc with ax client.

Automatic Bank Reconciliation in AX 2012

Automatic Bank Reconciliation in AX 2012, an interesting and very important feature with Dynamics AX which has the ability to import then automatically reconciles bank statements! Read more from this web link.