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Showing posts with the label SYSTIMEZONESVERSION

AX AOS Service Start issue -Error Code 100 for Ax 2012

If you are facing AOS Service start issue with error code 100 then you will not able to resolve issue without doing some modification in database table. Error Investigation: After searching error description in event-viewer I found following message. Object Server 01:  Fatal SQL condition during login. Error message: "The internal time zone version number stored in the database is higher than the version supported by the kernel (7/8).  After that I search on google then found solution below. select rows from SQLSystemVariables  table in particular database then check value of  SYSTIMEZONESVERSION  column it will be 8 you need to update this value to 7 then you will able to start service. Once service get started then you can update kernel version with 8 by using setup. I hope you have an idea to resolve this issue.