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Showing posts with the label Cubes in Microsoft Dynamics Ax 2012 R3

What are the standard Cubes in Microsoft Dynamics Ax 2012 R3

Following Cubes are available as standard Cube in Microsoft Dynamics Ax 2012 R3 1 Accounts payable cube (VendCube) 2 Accounts receivable cube (CustCube) 3 Budget control cube (BudgetControlCube) 4 Budget plan cube (BudgetPlanCube) 5 Demand forecast accuracy cube (ReqDemPlanAccuracyCube) 6 Demand forecast cube (ReqDemandPlanningCube) 7 Environmental sustainability cube (EMSCube) 8 Expense management cube (TrvCube) 9 General ledger cube (LedgerCube) 10 Human resources cube (HumanResourceCube) 11 Inventory value cube (InventValueCube) 12 Payroll cube (PayrollCube) 13 Production cube (ProdCube) 14 Profit tax totals cube (RTax25Registers) 15 Project accounting cube (ProjCube) 16 Purchase cube (PurchCube) 17 Retail cube (RetailCube) 18 Sales and marketing cube (smmSalesMarketingCube) 19 Sales cube (SalesCube) 20 Workflow cube (WorkflowCube)